Kitty Tails

Kitty Angels are now Scan Angels!!
Not only are we Kitty Angels, but we are now also Scan Angels! Scan Angels are a group of volunteers that can be called upon to scan lost pets and help reunite them with their owners without the need to pay huge fees or send local lost pets to the council pound or rescue centres unnecessarily.
To find your nearest scan angel, check out

Kitty Angel Kate rescues homeless cat, can you help her find a home?
Kitty Angel Kate rescues a cat that was found living beneath old furniture is now on the lookout for a new home after giving birth to two kittens…..
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Those who have a cat (or two) knows how difficult the task can be of planning holidays, and at the same time make sure your beloved pet will be looked after properly while you’re away. We travel quite a lot during the year so, sooner or later, we were prepared to face this challenge with our Dougal…….
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Kitty Angels help Reunite Owner with Cat lost 205 Miles Away
A moggie discovered close to Birmingham has been reunited with her owner who lives 205 MILES away in Sunderland. Thanks to Kitty Angels.
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Kitty Angels endorsed by Birmingham Cat Group
Great news! Kitty Angels have officially been endorsed by Kings Heath Cat Club (Birmingham’s largest online cat group) as their recommended cat sitting service!